Our Maintenance Services

Our Pruning Services
Landscape trees need a little TLC beyond watering and fertilizing in the form of pruning. That said, getting someone to prune your tree that has little to no knowledge about tree biology or is using the improper or unsanitary tools can be worse than that time you decided to cut your own bangs.
Each cut has the potential to change the growth pattern of the tree so it is incredibly important that no branch is removed without careful consideration and reason. Most often, trees are pruned to remove dead branches, remove disease branches (such as Black Knot), and to improve the tree’s form and structure.
There is a lot to consider when pruning a tree; we prune over 500 acres of young trees in our nursery to help create trees with strong structures and desirable forms. Not only is knowledge about cutting branches important, timing is everything. If certain trees are pruned at the wrong time, the open cut can become a magnet for bugs and disease such as Dutch Elm Disease.
Trust us with the responsibility of pruning your trees. Book our Journeyman Landscaper, who has over 30 years of experience and oversees our internal pruning program for the nursery to look after your precious trees in your yard. Our residential and commercial pruning programs run in the spring and the fall which is the best time to prune for the health of the trees.
Schedule your pruning today!

Commercial Maintenance Services
You have more things on your to-do list so you don’t need to add “mowing the grass and weeding the shrub bed out front” after your staff go home.
Just like Goldilocks, your landscape needs just the right amount when it comes to maintenance; too little water and plant material dies, too much water and the plant material drowns, cutting the grass too short results in scalping, letting the grass grow long and cutting it results in a large amount of cuttings that if left, can kill the grass underneath. Maintenance train wrecks often come from inexperience. Let the professionals keep your maintenance around your business looking neat and tidy throughout the season.
We have an experienced team with Licensed Applicators who can properly and safely spray your property for weeds. We have a variety of lawn mowers ranging from push mowers to ride on lawn mowers that have 6 ft and 12 ft cutting decks to mowers on three point hitches that are pulled behind tractors. From professional mowers to commercial trimmers to a tanker truck for watering; no matter what your commercial property needs, we have the equipment to maintain it.
Give us a call to tailor make your maintenance program based on your property, desired level of maintenance and your budget. 403-340-8755

Sanding Services
The only thing that is worse than icy roads is icy parking lots. Let us minimize your risk of trip, slips, and falls by sanding your parking lot or your compound with our commercial sanding truck that is equipped with a 7 yard hopper.
Using a pickled mix, we can sand all sizes of parking lots and driveway entrances. The best part, we are on an “as call basis”. You give us a call, and we will sand so you stay in control of your costs and you only pay when we sand. Ice belongs in the hockey rink, not in your parking lots; book us to sand your parking lots this winter!